Roselle Park
Roselle Park is my home town. I’ve lived here since 1986. One square
mile, it’s not a big town but upon working on this series discovered some
interesting subject matter to work with.
Sonrise Church of the Assumption
6” x 5 ½ ”
dimensions are for unframed digital prints



In Roselle Park
8“x 6½“
Sunset – My House
6 ¾ ” x 8“
Enterprise Sunset
7 ½ ” x 5 ¾ “
8” x 6 ½”



Old Glory Roselle
6 ½ ” x 7“
Dollar Store Triptych
You Light Up My Life
Destination Beyond the Clouds
7 ” x 8“
Newark, for me, has always been the historical Pennsylvania
transit hub. The NJT train line from Roselle Park does not go directly into
Manhattan, so each trip I need to change there for either another NJT train
or the PATH train. This station is a glorious collection of architectural
elements, many lending themselves as the basis for my fantasy images.
dimensions are for unframed digital prints



In the
Belly of the Beast
Newark Penn Station
6 ½“x 7½“
Warp Track A Newark Penn Station
7 ½ ” x 5 ¾
The Newark Penn Station
7 ½ ” x 5 ¾ “
Hoboken, a mile long and a mile wide, I’ve been
visiting this city since the early 1990s when I discovered it was
accessible by train. These prints are digital collages and edgy interpretations
of various architectural aspects of the NJ transit hub. I find that area
most enchanting, image wise, because it is a crazy quilt collection of the
old alongside the new.
New Jersey Transit Welcomes You
6” x 7 ¾”
dimensions are for unframed digital prints





Thou Forth By Ferry
6 ½“x 7½“
Inside Track
7 ½ ” x 5 ¾
Waiting Room Nightmare
7 ½ ” x 5 ¾ “
Do You Want to Go Today?
8” x 6 ½”
The Sister Cities of Jersey City and
Jersey City and Hoboken are neighbors without any physically defined
borders separating them. These 3 collages were originally created for a
themed exhibit in Jersey City where two art organizations, one from Hoboken,
the other from Jersey City, were joining together to put on the exhibit.
They express the theme of how art crosses all boundaries both physical and
dimensions include frames



Art is a Unifying
17 ½”x 22”
Art Knows Neither
Boundaries Nor Limits
22”x 17 ½”
An Artist’s
Vision Knows No Boundaries
22”x 17 ½”
Union Township,
Union NJ
Done for the Bicentennial year 2008, I titled
these Into the 21st Century. Buildings, like people, change over
time. Using Photoshop, I modified the digital photographs’ colors, tone and
composition turning them black and white or sepia toned. Some have the
“hand colored” look that is really a digital effect. And each one has a
“surprise” element that takes it out of the past and makes it definitely a
21st century interpretation of the architecture.
Galloping Hill Inn
All dimensions are for unframed digital prints





Fly Agency Stone House
Tartan Building
6 ½” x 9”
8”x 6 ½”
Connecticut Farms Church
7 ½” x 5 ¾”
These two newer ones created in 2013 are, in a
way, a meditation upon how Union County combines the old and the new. As I
drive down the streets to go to familiar places each day I see the stamp of
the personality of a town upon its architecture. There are 2 different
topics running through these new ones: The old church in Elizabeth is a
monument to a passed age, but reflects the glory that people used to create
in their houses of worship, the montage of buildings along Westfield’s Rt
28 corridor is a collection of various styles of architecture, a delight to
view as one drives through.
All dimensions are for unframed digital prints


The Lord Is My
Fortress –
Elizabeth, NJ
8”x 6 ½”
Driving Through
Rt 28 NJ
8”x 6 ½”