Welcome to the Internet Gallery of Studio 'L'



“ from Digital Gem series  – Dragon Pendant”


















My mission as an artist is to create art that elevates the soul...my art addresses issues in this world using materials and ideas that enhance and uplift the viewer...and to transport you out of this sometimes depressing and drab existence and into a world of beauty, positive emotion, and wonder.”




You are never too old to adorn yourself!

In the next few months, Dragon Fired Designs will be doing a series of presentations around the theme of  “You’re never to old to adorn yourself”

The first will be in August and repeated in September. This will be the viewing of the documentary about a 99 year old jewelry collector Iris Apfel, a fascinating lady who had a collection of costume jewelry that  she collected all through her life. The next presentation in Oct will be on art jewelry and how Leona Seufert creates her pieces. Then in Nov and Dec, for the holidays, she will be presenting ideas on repurposing your old jewelry and on upcycling /recycling pieces that are no longer wearable as is. This will be a great presentation giving you ideas for creating your own holiday gifts!

Dates and times and locations will be posted to this website and to my Facebook page

 View my jewelry and feel the power of the Dragon in every piece you wear!


Where I am Exhibiting

Check out the current virtual exhibit of my “Art Jewelry” with the Les Malamut Art Gallery. There you can view some of my interesting art jewelry pieces.

Read my poem of the month: Remembering Your First”

Read my blog Painting With Words


Like my Facebook page!

I not only post my own work but also share photographs of great exhibits I attend, art world news, interesting images of places I’ve visited, and sneak peaks into my works in progress.





To contact me e-mail:  Studio-L@att.net

© 2024 Leona M Seufert

Last updated 7/02/24