Welcome to the Internet Gallery of Studio 'L'






























My mission as an artist is to create art that elevates the soul...my art addresses issues in this world using materials and ideas that enhance and uplift the viewer...and to transport you out of this sometimes depressing and drab existence and into a world of beauty, positive emotion, and wonder.”




In Memory of 9/11

This year marks 23 years since 9/11. As the years have passed, not much is being written about that day. However, poets, including myself, have never stopped using the topic as a source of inspiration to write on themes ranging from terrorism to grief, to patriotism. If we are never to let that horrible day fade away, we MUST continue to write about it. Each year when September rolls around there are too many current events to overshadow it. Especially this year, an election year, it will be taking second place to all of those controversies. You ask, why if election 2024 with all it’s important happenings are front and center in our news and our lives, should we focus on something that happened 23 years ago? Because it was a turning point for our Nation. A defining event the likes of which had never and hopefully will never happen again.

This year Garwood, in memory of the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, will present a “Words of Remembrance Ceremony” on September 11 starting at 7 PM in Borough Hall, 403 South Ave, Garwood, NJ. Poems and essays written on the topic of the events of 9/11 will be read by our residents.

View my World Trade Center Journal which I’ve been keeping since 9/11. Read my new poems and essays for this 23rd year. Also last year I had a virtual exhibit on the Les Malamut Art Gallery website of my digital collages “When Memories Fade Away”. They reflected how I felt about time passing since 9/11 and people forgetting that day.


Where I am Exhibiting

Check out the current virtual exhibit of my “Art Jewelry” with the Les Malamut Art Gallery. There you can view some of my interesting art jewelry pieces.

Read my poem of the month: Sing a Song of Remembrance”

Read my blog Painting With Words


Like my Facebook page!

I not only post my own work but also share photographs of great exhibits I attend, art world news, interesting images of places I’ve visited, and sneak peaks into my works in progress.





To contact me e-mail:  Studio-L@att.net

© 2024 Leona M Seufert

Last updated 9/09/24