Stations For A New
Stations of the Cross are used by Christians as a way to meditate upon Jesus Christ’s last days on earth and his death by crucifixion and his resurrection. This booklet looks at the 14 traditional “stations” from a modern perspective. My poems focus on how 21st Century humanity has found hundreds of ways to cause Jesus pain on a daily basis. Not just through the millennium old sins such as greed, lust, murder and lies. With the advent of technology, unique ways to sin, to hurt not just our neighbor but also our planet, have been born. We crucify Jesus in ways the people of Jesus’ time could not even dreamt of. We take our talents and man made creations and use them in the service of the evil. Good stewardship of this planet, until only recently, was a forgotten concept. Loving our neighbor has been overshadowed by our needs to surpass and squash anyone who is a threat to our egos. We have technologies that could feed the world, wipe out diseases, create shelter for all and we selectively apply it, denying whole populations of the benefits. Welcome to the 21st century. These stations are the “Via Dolarosa” we’ve created. See Christ bleed.
18 pages, PDF format, FREE For more information and to obtain a copy, please e-mail me Studio-L@att.net Put Stations in the subject line and your
name in the body of the message. You will then receive the web url to
download the booklet.
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